Está provado:
sem desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico o Brasil não irá avançar para
lugar algum. A população mundial cresce
a cada dia e todos precisam de alimentos, roupas, remédios e tecnologia. Para
dar conta de produzir tudo que o ser humano precisa a um custo acessível, sem
degradar o meio ambiente e promover as mudanças climáticas é muito complexo.
Por exemplo, para produzir o arroz em quantidade e qualidade é preciso sementes
geneticamente eficientes, tratores para preparo do solo e plantio, utilizando combustível
para esta atividade. Fertilizantes químicos, a maioria importados, tendo que
ser transportados milhares de quilômetros de navio, caminhão, trem até chegar a
propriedade rural. Tem o defensivo agrícola para combater as pragas e doenças, a
irrigação com equipamentos que consomem energia, tem a colheita que usa máquinas
que consomem combustível, o transporte, o processamento (tirar a casca e polir
o grão). Tem o armazenamento em grandes silos. Tem o ensacamento, o transporte
até o distribuidor e ao supermercado, tem a compra pelo consumidor, o preparo e
finalmente o consumo. E ainda temos o ciclo do feijão, milho, trigo, e diversos
outros produtos que devem seguir cadeias longas e complexas até chegar a sua
mesa. Com tudo isto o produtor ainda deve proteger, por lei, a sua reserva
legal, as áreas de proteção permanente, os rios e fontes hídricas.
Apesar deste
complexo funcionamento da engrenagem logística, ela deve ser melhorada continuamente,
aprimorando os sistemas de produção e aumentando a produtividade, considerando que
o tamanho da população aumenta a cada dia e a mesma fica cada vez mais
Por conta
disto as Universidades e os Centros de Pesquisa do Brasil e do mundo devem
manter as suas pesquisas científicas continuamente, criando plantas,
fertilizantes e máquinas agrícolas cada vez mais eficientes para produzir cada
vez mais e a baixo custo. Países desenvolvidos investem muito em Ciência e
Tecnologia e colhem seus frutos relativos à geração do conhecimento através das
patentes e vendas destas tecnologias além, é claro, de aumentar sua
produtividade interna de alimentos. A soja transgênica mais vendida no mundo,
inclusive no Brasil, é a soja Roundup ready que apresenta alta produtividade
quando combinada com um herbicida especifico, o glyphosate. A empresa Monsanto,
assim com o seu país de origem, os Estados Unidos, ganham muito dinheiro com o domínio
das patentes das variedades de soja e do herbicida em todo o mundo, apesar da
patente do herbicida já ter vencido.
quem detém o conhecimento cientifico e tecnológico está à frente de todas as
demais nações dependentes de tecnologia. Já perceberam que algumas pessoas
dependem de certos remédios que não tem no Brasil, que precisam ser importados
e que custam uma fortuna? Por conta disto os países asiáticos passaram a
investir pesado em desenvolvimento tecnológico com a criação de Universidades e
pessoal qualificado para o desenvolvimento tecnológico. Devemos valorizar as
nossas Universidades não apenas como formadora de bons profissionais, mas
também como geradora de novas tecnologias para o desenvolvimento do país.
It's proven: no scientific and technological development Brazil will not go nowhere. The world population is growing every day and all need food, clothing, medicine and technology. To account for produce everything that the human being needs at an affordable cost, without degrading the environment and promote climate change is very complex. For example, to produce rice in quantity and quality it takes seeds genetically efficient tractors for land preparation and planting, using fuel for this activity. Chemical fertilizers, mostly imported, having to be transported thousands of kilometers of ship, truck, train to reach rural property. Has the crop protection product to control pests and diseases, irrigation equipment that consumes energy, has the harvest using machines that consume fuel, transport, processing (remove the peel and polish the grain). It has storage in large silos. Has the bagging, transport to the distributor and supermarket, is the purchase by the consumer, preparation and finally consumption. And we still have the bean cycle, corn, wheat, and various other products should follow long and complex chains until it reaches his desk. With all this producers must still protect by law the Legal reserves, areas of permanent protection, rivers and water sources.
Although this complex logistics operation, it should be improved continuously improving production systems and increasing productivity, considering the size of the population increases every day and the same is increasingly demanding.
Because of this the Universities Brazil and the research centers word must keep their continuous scientific research, creating plants, fertilizers and more efficient farm machinery to produce more and at lower cost. Developed countries invest heavily in science and technology and reap its fruits on the generation of knowledge through patents and sales of these technologies and to increase their internal productivity of food. The transgenic soybean most sold in the world, including Brazil, is the Roundup Ready soybeans that has high productivity when combined with a specific herbicide, glyphosate. Monsanto company as well with their country of origin, the United States, earn a lot of money to the field of patents on varieties of soybeans and herbicide in the world, despite the herbicide patent has already expired.
Who has the scientific and technological knowledge is ahead of all other nations dependent on technology. Have you noticed that some people depend on certain remedies that do not have in Brazil, which need to be imported and that cost a fortune? Because of this Asian countries are investing heavily in technological development with the creation of universities and qualified personnel for technological development. We should value our universities not only as a good professional trainer, but also as a generator of new technologies for the development of the country.
It's proven: no scientific and technological development Brazil will not go nowhere. The world population is growing every day and all need food, clothing, medicine and technology. To account for produce everything that the human being needs at an affordable cost, without degrading the environment and promote climate change is very complex. For example, to produce rice in quantity and quality it takes seeds genetically efficient tractors for land preparation and planting, using fuel for this activity. Chemical fertilizers, mostly imported, having to be transported thousands of kilometers of ship, truck, train to reach rural property. Has the crop protection product to control pests and diseases, irrigation equipment that consumes energy, has the harvest using machines that consume fuel, transport, processing (remove the peel and polish the grain). It has storage in large silos. Has the bagging, transport to the distributor and supermarket, is the purchase by the consumer, preparation and finally consumption. And we still have the bean cycle, corn, wheat, and various other products should follow long and complex chains until it reaches his desk. With all this producers must still protect by law the Legal reserves, areas of permanent protection, rivers and water sources.
Although this complex logistics operation, it should be improved continuously improving production systems and increasing productivity, considering the size of the population increases every day and the same is increasingly demanding.
Because of this the Universities Brazil and the research centers word must keep their continuous scientific research, creating plants, fertilizers and more efficient farm machinery to produce more and at lower cost. Developed countries invest heavily in science and technology and reap its fruits on the generation of knowledge through patents and sales of these technologies and to increase their internal productivity of food. The transgenic soybean most sold in the world, including Brazil, is the Roundup Ready soybeans that has high productivity when combined with a specific herbicide, glyphosate. Monsanto company as well with their country of origin, the United States, earn a lot of money to the field of patents on varieties of soybeans and herbicide in the world, despite the herbicide patent has already expired.
Who has the scientific and technological knowledge is ahead of all other nations dependent on technology. Have you noticed that some people depend on certain remedies that do not have in Brazil, which need to be imported and that cost a fortune? Because of this Asian countries are investing heavily in technological development with the creation of universities and qualified personnel for technological development. We should value our universities not only as a good professional trainer, but also as a generator of new technologies for the development of the country.
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