Cientistas de um certo país realizaram uma pesquisa inédita com uma aranha. Cortaram uma das pernas da aranha e, em seguida gritaram: “ande aranha!”, e a aranha andou. Cortaram mais uma das pernas da aranha e gritaram novamente: “ande aranha!”, e a aranha andou. Fizeram os mesmos testes com as demais pernas da aranha até que, finalmente, arrancaram a última perna do pobre aracnídeo e gritaram: “ande aranha!” e a aranha não andou. Gritaram novamente e mais forte: “ande aranha!” e ela não andou. Após vários gritos ensurdecedores chegaram à seguinte conclusão sobre a pesquisa: aranha sem pernas é surda!
Piadas a parte, a ciência é uma caixinha de surpresas, mas nem tanto, afinal antes de iniciarmos uma atividade de pesquisa científica devemos nos basear inicialmente no conhecimento e no entendimento dos processos para realizarmos os estudos adequados e chegarmos às conclusões corretas evitando afirmar que a aranha sem pernas é surda. Todo estudo que trazemos da infância, desde os primeiros anos até a Universidade são fundamentais para a compreensão dos eventos, analisando os mesmos de forma lógica. O dois mais dois da matemática, a aceleração do automóvel da física, as proteínas das ciências e por aí vai. Como poderíamos calcular a estrutura de uma ponte sem saber cálculo; como poderíamos entender e curar uma gripe se não sabemos quem são os vírus. Todos os eventos do planeta (ou quase todos) podem ser explicados com base técnica e científica considerando que dominamos o conhecimento básico das matérias.
Em muitas situações além do conhecimento básico que deve ser sólido, devemos ter também o conhecimento específico. Antigamente para melhorar a produção do milho, por exemplo, era necessário ter o conhecimento das variedades de milho e cruzá-los entre si, ou seja, só podíamos cruzar o milho com milho. Com o advento dos transgênicos esta restrição genética acabou e agora podemos associar o material genético do milho com o feijão, o arroz, os microrganismos e qualquer outro individuo, bastando através de uma célula ou um conjunto de células retirar o material genético que interessa injetando na célula da planta e pronto: transferimos a informação genética de um individuo para o outro completamente diferente. Mas para que o cientista pudesse realizar esta tarefa foram necessários anos de estudo na graduação, no mestrado, no doutorado e até mesmo no pós-doutorado. A transgenia tem sido uma ferramenta fundamental na melhoria do desempenho de nossa agricultura, mas que só é desenvolvida por pessoas que entendem rigorosamente do assunto, os cientistas geneticistas.
Após este longo discurso gostaria de afirmar que: estudar é bom, estudar é divertido, estudar traz novos conhecimentos, abrindo a nossa mente para o novo, e pensando em como melhorar determinada situação, pensamento este baseado na carga de conhecimento que adquirimos desde o inicio de nossos estudos. Meninos e meninas, vamos estudar, pois o futuro da ciência, da tecnologia e do desenvolvimento social está em suas mãos, ou melhor, nas suas mentes, no seu conhecimento. Como dizia minha avó: “conhecimento não ocupa espaço, por isso, vai estudar menino!”
Scientists from a certain country conducted an unprecedented survey of a spider. They cut one of the spider legs and then shouted: "spider walk", and the spider walked. They cut another of the spider legs and shouted again: "spider walk", and the spider walked. They did the same tests with other spider legs until finally pulled the last leg of the poor arachnid and shouted: "spider walk" and the spider did not walk. They shouted again and stronger, "spider walk" and no walked. After several deafening screams came to the following conclusion about the survey: legless spider is deaf!
Despite the joke, the science is full of surprises, but not much, anyway before starting a scientific research activity should initially be based on the knowledge and understanding of the processes to accomplish the appropriate studies and arrive at correct conclusions avoiding state that legless spider is deaf. Every study that we carry from childhood, from the early years to the University are fundamental to the understanding of events, analyzing them logically. The two more two mathematics, physics acceleration automobile, protein science and so on. How could we calculate the structure of a bridge without knowing calculation; how we could understand and cure if do not know the virus. All events on the planet (or almost all) can be explained on technical and scientific basis considering we master the basic knowledge of materials.
In many situations beyond the basic knowledge that should be solid, we should also have specific knowledge. Previously to improve corn production, for example, it was necessary to have knowledge of maize and crossing them each other, could only cross the maize corn. With the advent of transgenic over and this genetic restriction we can now associate with the genetic material with the beans corn, rice, and any other individual microorganisms simply by means of a cell or group of cells to remove the genetic material that interests injecting into the plant cell and ready: transfer genetic information from one individual to another completely different. But that the scientist could accomplish this task it took years of study at the undergraduate, master's degree in in doctorate and even post-doctorate. The transgenesis has been an essential tool in improving the performance of our agriculture, but that is only developed by people what understand the subject thoroughly, geneticists scientists.
After this long speech I would like to state that: studying is good, it's fun to study, study brings new knowledge, opening our minds to the new, and thinking about how to improve a situation, thinking this based on load knowledge we gain from the beginning our studies. Boys and girls, we will study, for the future of science, technology and social development is in your hands, or rather, in their minds, in their knowledge. As my grandmother would say, "knowledge does not occupy space, so we will study Boy!"
Scientists from a certain country conducted an unprecedented survey of a spider. They cut one of the spider legs and then shouted: "spider walk", and the spider walked. They cut another of the spider legs and shouted again: "spider walk", and the spider walked. They did the same tests with other spider legs until finally pulled the last leg of the poor arachnid and shouted: "spider walk" and the spider did not walk. They shouted again and stronger, "spider walk" and no walked. After several deafening screams came to the following conclusion about the survey: legless spider is deaf!
Despite the joke, the science is full of surprises, but not much, anyway before starting a scientific research activity should initially be based on the knowledge and understanding of the processes to accomplish the appropriate studies and arrive at correct conclusions avoiding state that legless spider is deaf. Every study that we carry from childhood, from the early years to the University are fundamental to the understanding of events, analyzing them logically. The two more two mathematics, physics acceleration automobile, protein science and so on. How could we calculate the structure of a bridge without knowing calculation; how we could understand and cure if do not know the virus. All events on the planet (or almost all) can be explained on technical and scientific basis considering we master the basic knowledge of materials.
In many situations beyond the basic knowledge that should be solid, we should also have specific knowledge. Previously to improve corn production, for example, it was necessary to have knowledge of maize and crossing them each other, could only cross the maize corn. With the advent of transgenic over and this genetic restriction we can now associate with the genetic material with the beans corn, rice, and any other individual microorganisms simply by means of a cell or group of cells to remove the genetic material that interests injecting into the plant cell and ready: transfer genetic information from one individual to another completely different. But that the scientist could accomplish this task it took years of study at the undergraduate, master's degree in in doctorate and even post-doctorate. The transgenesis has been an essential tool in improving the performance of our agriculture, but that is only developed by people what understand the subject thoroughly, geneticists scientists.
After this long speech I would like to state that: studying is good, it's fun to study, study brings new knowledge, opening our minds to the new, and thinking about how to improve a situation, thinking this based on load knowledge we gain from the beginning our studies. Boys and girls, we will study, for the future of science, technology and social development is in your hands, or rather, in their minds, in their knowledge. As my grandmother would say, "knowledge does not occupy space, so we will study Boy!"
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